Frank Braafhart


Etter å ha spilt trompet med sin far fra han var fire fortsatte han med musikkskolen i Zevenaar og konservatoriet i Amsterdam, hvor han studerte med solotrompetisten ved Concertgebouw-orkesteret. I 2007 vant han en plass på akademiet til dette orkesteret, og fikk dermed spille i både inn- og utland under dirigenter som Bernard Haitink og Vladimir Ashkenazy. Etter å ha fullført sin bachelorgrad vant han et stipend som gjorde det mulig å fortsette med en mastergrad hos Reinhold Friedrich ved musikkhøgskolen i Karlsruhe. Dette kom Stavanger til gode, da han i 2017 ankom hit som både trompetist i Stavanger Brass Band og solotrompetist i Stavanger Symfoniorkester. Frank er Yamaha artist.

At the age of four, Frank began to play the trumpet with his father. He soon progressed to the local music school and from there to the conservatory in Amsterdam where he studied with Frits Damrow, the solo trumpeter in the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Winning a place at the orchestra academy entailed playing several times both in the Netherlands and abroad with conductors such as Bernard Haitink, Mariss Jansons, and Vladimir Ashkenazy. Having completed his BA, he won a grant from the Yamaha foundation that enabled him to study for his master’s degree with Reinhold Friedrich at the Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe. Upon which he chose to move to the north, as trumpeter in the prize-winning Stavanger Brass Band and solo trumpeter in Stavanger symphony orchestra. Frank is Yamaha Artist.


Ingrid Andsnes


Andreas Brantelid